How to detox after indulging

What is detoxification?

Detoxification is a natural process that happens inside of us – all day, every day. Not only do we need this process to feel vibrant and healthy, but it is essential to keep us alive.

In essence, detoxification is a process that involves transforming any substance, that is harmful to the body, into something less harmful, so that it can be excreted safely. The liver, lymphatic system, respiratory system, skin, colon, and kidneys all play a role in this, but the liver has the key role in transforming these substances so that the rest of our organs can do their job.   

Our lifestyle, from the foods and drinks we put in our body, to the air we breath and the products we use on our skin, and in our homes, impact how well our natural detoxification system can do its job.  As more and more artificial substances and toxins are introduced into our food systems and lives, the harder our body has to work to detoxify and stay healthy.

Some common things put extra pressure on our detoxification system include: caffeine, alcohol, refined sugars, synthetic substances in food, skincare and cleaning products, toxins such as pesticides, and trans fats, usually found in store bought cakes, snacks and deep fried foods. 

To look and feel our best, we want this system to work as efficiently as possible. The more harmful substances the body encounters, the harder these systems have to work. When they become compromised it influences our energy, disease prevention and whether we store or burn body fat.

When our body can detox effectively, we feel less bloated, have more energy, the whites of our eyes are brighter, our skin is clearer, and our mind is more alert.

How does a juice cleanse help?

A juice cleanse can support this process by eliminating harmful substances in processed and refined foods, whilst also flooding the body with nutrients that naturally support vitality and detoxification. See below for more on this!

This is also why consuming organic products is especially important. You wouldn’t want to be filling up on juice made from non-organic produce, containing pesticides. Reducing toxins is a key element to any juice cleanse.

10 ways to support detoxification:

There are many ways to support a healthy body and effective detoxification. Here are our top 10:


1. Enjoy Leafy Greens

The liver is stimulated by bitter foods, and leafy green veg are a great way to stimulate the bitter taste buds. Our freshly made green juices are full of organic greens and herbs like parsley, kale, and spinach.


2. Eat your Brassicas

Broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts and cauliflower, all part of the brassica family, are rich in phytochemicals that benefit the liver’s detoxification functions. 


3. Turmeric

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric is anti-inflammatory and high in anti-oxidants, which help the body’s detoxification system.

Check out our Repair Shot which has 40g of turmeric and is included in many of our cleanses, as well as our Recover Nut Mylk in our Medicinal and Immunity Reboot Cleanses.


4. Probiotics

A healthy gut is vital for essentially everything! Live cultures and healthy bacteria such as those found in our water kefirs, help digestion and increase nutrient absorption, crowd out hostile microbes, bind to heavy metals so they can be flushed out safely, reduce pesticide and toxin absorption and help to restore the intestinal wall integrity and prevent pathogens from getting into your bloodstream. Sounds good to us! With gut at the centre of all we do, it is no surprise that all our cleanses include a daily water kefir, with billions of live cultures to support your natural detoxification and absorption of nutrients.


5. Reduce processed foods, refined sugars and alcohol

The liver has to work hard to neutralise and convert toxins and artificial substances into compounds that are safer to leave the body. Reducing the load on the liver helps to support a much healthier, happier system.


6. Regular bowel movements

Regular, as in daily. When waste remains inside our bowels for too long, not only is it uncomfortable, but it ferments, giving the liver additional work to do and causes issues for the cells that line the colon. Staying hydrated, eating plant-based fibres, and maintaining a healthy gut microbiome can all help support regular and healthy bowel movements. For your daily dose of probiotics check out our organic water kefirs, which are teeming with billions of live cultures for a healthy gut microbiome. 


7. Vitamin C

As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C helps to remove unwanted substances such as free radicals from the body. It also helps the body to produce glutathione which is essential for the liver to process and excrete toxins. All of our cleanses include a daily juice shot packed with vitamin C. 


8. Vitamin D

Links have been shown between vitamin D supporting detoxification, particularly mercury. vitamin D also helps serotonin production and release, which is good for brain function and of course, mood 🙂


9. Use natural skincare

There is a saying that if you can’t eat it you shouldn’t put it on your skin, which is hard these days. But keep in mind that whatever you put on your skin is absorbed into your body, and bloodstream. The body then needs to work hard to transform any synthetic ingredients. Try to use organic and natural skincare products.


10. Epsom Salt Baths

Epsom salts, which is naturally comprised of magnesium and sulfate, is believed, to help stimulate detoxification pathways. Magnesium helps with many bodily functions, including the removal of toxins, and sulphates help to draw out toxins and heavy metals. So throw in a minimum of 2 cups, and sit back, relax and let your body do it’s work. Because everyone deserves a little TLC, all of our cleanses include a complimentary pack of Epsom salts.

Not sure where to start? Check out our juice cleanses here. They are freshly made, cold pressed and delivered from our kitchen to yours.  

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